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Please God, Let it Snow All Night!
When I was a child
I prayed as children do,
And asked for the impossible,
Hoping that it could be true.
And when Winter snowflakes fell
And the purple lilac blossomed white,
I'd watch and pray; I'd whisper and say:
Please God, let it snow all night!

When I was a young man,
I told God what to do,
[Most politely, of course:]
And when evil men prospered and fifty
million people died without recourse,
I demanded the impossible:
I'd watch and pray; I'd shout and pray;
But had no time to wait for answers.

Now I am older, and wiser too
With time; I pray as seasoned people do,
Hoping that it may be true!
And when Winter snowflakes fall
On the dying leaves of Autumn,
I look, through patterned-panes of frosted-glass,
As though I were a child again:
And sometimes in the snowflake silence, I listen:
I sometimes ask, I sometimes demand
The impossible, but mostly, I listen
To the falling stillness of prayer:
And recall, with Spring-time delight,
That transformed morning long ago
When it had snowed, had really snowed, all night!