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On Christmas Day

So the Word became flesh; he made his home amongst us, and we saw his glory, such glory as befits the Father's only Son, full of grace and truth. (John 1 v14)
An extraordinary sight!
A shepherd boy, a star-lit night,
A new-born lamb to hold:
Within his rustic crib he cries,
Within her gentle arms he lies;
A radiant gift of gold.

The Great-Creating God, we fear,
His mind and wisdom we revere,
We worship him with awe:
But to the infant Saviour King,
Our gifts of simple love we bring:
This child we can adore!

Ponder this paradox of birth:
For God did condescend to earth
In this immortal gem:
And see divine humility,
The flesh of God's humanity;
The Child of Bethlehem!